So your off to the track, what do you need.

So lets take it form the start?. First of all you will have to make sure your car is up to the task ahead. Its all well and good doing your little bit of skidding in local area. All legal of course..Being out on the track takes a lot out of your car.

Ensure the car is serviced. An oil change is a good idea as old oil looses its viscosity. ? thickness of oil? This will lead to the oil not being able to lubricate your bearings, Resulting in the big end eventually going.

Good break pads also essential. Half way through your track day you don?t want the pads worn to the last. Resulting in damage to the discs. Ending your day out.

Check your water levels. If car prone to getting slightly hot. Flush rad and fill it all up with coolant. A small price to pay compared to blown head.

Diff oil; A fresh change of diff oil will prolong the life of your diff, and get rid of those little metal fileings flooting around the diff. five minute job. If don?t have magnet plug good idea to get one. But not to important.

Tools; a good selection of tools may come in handy. Its better to be looking at them than looking for them. It is up to your self what you think you need. Well wheel brace and jack is needed. Basic tools, you be surprised how many people forget them.

Look out for tell tale signs of your car. Listen to how your car is running, how hot it gets. Any thing that?s unusual. Its great flying around the track, and easy to forget the abuse your car is getting. So give your car time to cool down and for your self to cool down, it can be a long day out there so bring some thing to drink. Not beer of course.

Most of all go out and enjoy your self. Take care of your self, your car, and more important others.

That?s all I can think of for now. Hope this may help ya out some bit.