As many of you know now, we're going to try to bring driftireland back from the dead. And we know facebook and other social media are popular and that forums are a lot quieter these days, but most of us still love a good build thread or nonsensical discussion with strangers.
1. The first step is, get involved. If you're reading this, drop a comment below, comment on another thread or update or start your own threads.Without people communicating, this place will seem dead so we need your help.
2. Ability to 'like' stuff. you don't always want to comment. sometimes you just wanna say: "good job" in the form of a reaction similar to facebook.
3. Login using facebook. Better integration between this site and facebook is essential, without forcing people to be on facebook.
4. Photos! Uploading photos is a chore. Currently the easiest way is to just copy the url from a facebook photo and embed it in your post. that's a bit shite and we can do better
5. Tapatalk app
6. styling fixes. some stuff is blatantly broken on this site and it's usually a quick enough fix but i need to find the time
7. Get new members. a new generation of drifters and road car owners have never even used a forum. That's a bit sad to be honest. It's a bit like reading a book. There are easier ways to get the info, but there's something nice about just sitting down and enjoying someone else's work with no distraction.
8. Get old members back. I'm not trying to recreate the golden ages, but little things like knowing where cars are now or what happened to them would be nice.
9. Concentrate on giving the site a purpose. make people want to check back here daily. Many other forums are still doing ok, there's no reason we can't
10. Protect the future of the site. As far as I'm concerned, this site belongs to the community. It should never be a money spinner, although the costs should be covered. Buying merchandise will ensure this. The hoodies are really nice. The black one with white writing has a very old school look to it.
11. Try to save the broken photobucket links somehow (may be a lost cause)
Other than that, I'm curious to see what your suggestions are and if anyone wants to help out or get involved. This isn't going to happen overnight and the best thing you can do is to just post every now and then, even if it's just the chit chat thread (well worth a read back through the years)