Huraaay for the 4door skylines! Anyone tell me a rough price for these from Japan please...lovely looking cars by the way lads!
Huraaay for the 4door skylines! Anyone tell me a rough price for these from Japan please...lovely looking cars by the way lads!
ya the yen went weak after their elections. when i start going out with my lady the yen was like 100 yen to the euro so bang on 1:1, i just got some euro changed to yen for when i go next month and now it €1 = 135 yen so quite a difference.
you can see on the graph here how it's dropped over the last year:
Wow excellent . Might be time to bring in an ra28 celica like I always wanted
i think ill import next year. hmm
They would be! Big money though :/ can't decide. But doesn't matter as I won't have money for months
That stagea is savage, something different