jesus they are awful,
take it as a compliment that your brand/logo is worth ripping off
jesus they are awful,
take it as a compliment that your brand/logo is worth ripping off
Now that the site is up and running we can start to again look into official DI merchandise!
those ones do look classy though Dan!
ROFL, got only two words how to describe it
and logo.... PD ass licka.
damn i would be shamed to produce this sh....
They are ROUGH!!! Definitely an oversea's design
any sign of genuine drift ireland hoodies coming to the market, most drift events are in the cold.... ie. mondello track days and almost every drift fest event.
As a shtaff member who actually Designs and Supplies hoodies i think its a great idea
If the bosses would give me the go ahead on it id gladly sort it
do it chuck i want a di hoodie
bd nice to have a di hoody in stead of a zillion pd 1s !! im sure lot of folk n here would be genuinely intrested in them !! it needs its own thread and feed back !!!