bmw rad upgrate help
have a 318is turbo compact drift car,the rad is after giving up on me so looking for an upgrate
have a copper thick s14 rad there,was thinking of using that but will it work without a bleed screw?
any other rads good for them,doesnt have to fit pretty,just do the job?
thanks in advance for the help!
the 318 diesel rad is a bit of an upgrade - its about 100mm wider or taller not sure and the bout 5mm thicker...
the M3s have bigger rads again or the 325 tds has the same rad as the M3s if you find one
for breaking - usually come at a cheaper price when they don't come off an M3
as far as i remember neither of them have the bleed screw on top since they have a separate expansion bottle and a "self bleeding" system.. so same story as s14 rad in that way
so don't see why the s14 rad wouldn't work just run it with the rad cap off like you would have in the s14 to bleed it.. if you have any trouble just jack the nose of it up high and should bleed fine..
Diesel rad would be an upgrade as stated but the s14 should work aswell.
e36 328 air con spec rad is the biggest plug and play rad for an iS ( i actually have one for sale ;) )
or as said you can use an m3 or 325tds rad, but you'll need to add an expansion bottle. it just so happens i have one of these too, pm me if interested in either. both are brand new.