View Full Version : hello

04-08-09, 20:33
hello to all here my name is sean sinnott im from carlow im new on this,any how i have drifting on the brain like most people on here id say i do abit of drifting myself i try and do as many rounds of d rift and pro drift noviceas i can .thats about it:)

04-08-09, 20:38
welcome along mate, what you driving?

04-08-09, 20:44
well lad this is my 14 http://file047a.bebo.com/0/large/2009/07/30/09/692614133a11327535619l.jpg

04-08-09, 20:49
whopper!! just saw all your other pics too, i was gonna say its a pity you missed our practise day but it looks like you've gotten the hang of it already :D

04-08-09, 20:51
welcome along man... sweet selection of cars you had there

04-08-09, 20:53
well sean welcome along lad

you generally pass me going to most events in the slowest transit in ireland:D

04-08-09, 21:01
haha ye thats ry... ya may jst tax dat car ya hav and drive her on ha:)
dats de only way...

04-08-09, 21:04
cheers lads were any of you at the silvia meet in tullow

04-08-09, 21:04
welcome along sean!

i was a marshell down der, ginger fooker in a high viz! lol

04-08-09, 21:08
ha ye i think i rember ye alry wasnt a bad day:)

04-08-09, 21:14
agh i remember ya now. i was marsheling down there too...

do you be down in tullow much?? havent seen ya down there

04-08-09, 21:24
ha ye i think i rember ye alry wasnt a bad day:)

how cud ya not? only ginger in high viz :p haha

yeh was a gud owl day, just cant wait to get my own yoke out!

04-08-09, 21:28
i dnt bring the car down there that much even though i live about 2 mile from it i tink its a bit hard on a car down there i knw this becouse i melted a piston down there 1 time :mad: maybe it was a good thing cos shes all rebuilt and maped to 380 bhp now:D

04-08-09, 22:16
story ted:D
welcome along

05-08-09, 18:48
cheers barr hoes the head aftter the weekend:confused:

serious tom
05-08-09, 19:01
hiya welcome along,
nice 14!
seems like ya have the basics down HA HA:D:p

seems like ya alredi know a few people :)

05-08-09, 19:13
thanks ye i no a few people here alrite.good place 2 talk about whats on most of our brains here cars and more cars ha

serious tom
05-08-09, 19:23
its like a stress releif forum, just let go and talk DORI :D:cool: