View Full Version : Project RBS14a

21-07-09, 23:52
Right, this is going to take a while to get up and running, but as i started pulling the engine out (curiosly trying to find out why it shat itself) last night, i thought i'd be as well making a thread about it, as i plan on doing ALOT to this over the next couple of months, hopefully with the end result being a rather lively S14a for me to lose the books in all over again :D lol

So, as said, its a 96 S14a with a knackered engine, which i plan to replace with an RB25 lump and gearbox around the middle/end of August, courtesy of Ian and Brian at Belfast Imports (hopefully).

In the mean time, im going to be pulling out the engine, removing any rust i find (the passenger sill needs a wee bit of attention), pulling out the cloth interior, fitting what parts i can (fuel pump, make guage holders, possibly some suspension bits etc) and generally getting it ready for the new engine.

Work began:

Still none the wiser:

Definately not wise lol (my mate Walshy lending a hand):

21-07-09, 23:54
Thats the track-slag S14 beside her, feeling quite sorry for itself while lying up awaiting alot of work, which has been postponed due to the 14a which i want built as soon as possible (and yes, that road cone is holdig the boot shut after i binned the rear quarter at Bishopscourt :eek: )

22-07-09, 07:32
Cant see the pics in work, but im sure she\'s a dose lol, keepin an ear to the ground for a conversion for ya :)

Jay Rockett
22-07-09, 12:47
Good stuff Nicky, i'll be keeping an eye on this project! RB's are great!

Aidan Hogan
04-09-10, 17:11
Whtaever happened to this ??

04-09-10, 19:29
he sold it;)