View Full Version : diff day

ciaran r
15-05-10, 17:51
well lads said id throw this up,theres a diff day in portlaw waterford,only 5 euro entry for a days fun,cant really go wrong lads,the last one went off savage so should be a good day,there will be a lad on the day fitting tires for a fiver and sellin part worns fitted for a tenner,so a good day for a bit of practice,

heres the poster for it

heres a link from the last one to show ye the size of the slab and its potential for a bit of second gear drifting,

drift student
15-05-10, 17:53
this thread will get some abuse..

ciaran r
15-05-10, 17:57
whys that???site rivalry or something,

Mick K
15-05-10, 17:58
Fuck,Can I do rings all day if my car lasts?

15-05-10, 17:59
whys that???site rivalry or something,

Nah, well not to my knowledge anyway?! It's just that diffing competitions and the likes geeeeeenerally don't go down too well on here ;)

Could that space be used any better for some higher speed stuff or is that the extent of the space in that video?

ciaran r
15-05-10, 18:02
Fuck,Can I do rings all day if my car lasts?

yea you can lad,theres the big slab and theres a smaller yard aswell so plenty of room,there will be a open slab time and i think there will also be a bit of a king of a ring comp aswel,so plenty of time and fun to make bits of your tires

Mick K
15-05-10, 18:05
yea you can lad,theres the big slab and theres a smaller yard aswell so plenty of room,there will be a open slab time and i think there will also be a bit of a king of a ring comp aswel,so plenty of time and fun to make bits of your tires

I cant wait:D:rolleyes:

ciaran r
15-05-10, 18:05
Nah, well not to my knowledge anyway?! It's just that diffing competitions and the likes geeeeeenerally don't go down too well on here ;)

Could that space be used any better for some higher speed stuff or is that the extent of the space in that video?

to be honest dude the video dont do it justice,theres a long straight leading up into the bend,were a few of the skilled lads on the day were hittin second gear coming up round the bend,down round the tires and into third back up to the bend,so its got plenty of potential down there,its well worth the fiver anyway,oh and theres bend you can link down there but no one really attempted that the last time for some reason

15-05-10, 18:14
Fuck,Can I do rings all day if my car lasts?

yea you can lad,theres the big slab and theres a smaller yard aswell so plenty of room,there will be a open slab time and i think there will also be a bit of a king of a ring comp aswel,so plenty of time and fun to make bits of your tires

I cant wait:D:rolleyes:

Bahahahahaha sum man mr k :D:D

How big or small is this slab compared to tullow??

ciaran r
15-05-10, 18:18
Bahahahahaha sum man mr k :D:D

How big or small is this slab compared to tullow??

i havent been to tullow yet,if ye want ill see if i can arrange to get one of ye to come down and have a look at it if ye want,

15-05-10, 18:20
i havent been to tullow yet,if ye want ill see if i can arrange to get one of ye to come down and have a look at it if ye want,

Waterford heads ur up!!!!! Any vids

15-05-10, 19:45
diffin is crap...enuf said:D

15-05-10, 20:57
ha ha diffin:D

15-05-10, 21:08
the only thing in that vid that was good was the music any idea wot track that was

16-05-10, 08:48
chill folks :D only a bit of fun.

tbh that place looks good :) i could imagine someone with some track experience could really make use of all the bends. some seriously good pics in that vid btw!

S14a johno
16-05-10, 09:17
it ok, i supose it is another spot do, considering we all running out place togo, but tullow is a square box and ya can do figure 8 and clip the cone,
just from looking at the video there doesnt seams to be a hell alot of room
just maybe it the way comes accoss in the video, like all peolpe were doing was rings :o:o:o:o
just my 2 cent ted

ciaran r
16-05-10, 11:40
i agree with ye,the video dosent show the experienced lads drifting the bends unfortunatly,and as eileen said some one with a bit of experience could open up the potential of the place,but at the end of the day,is a fiver entry for your car and ya get to do a bit of practicing,at the end of the day that aint bad,

oh and for all the people who hate diffing will ye please explain to me how ye got into yer first rwd and started drifting hahahahaha

jap scrap
16-05-10, 22:02
such a waste of good tyres

16-05-10, 22:13
Why is this place not being used for Drifting?? I just dont get this country!

16-05-10, 23:03
serious amount of skill involved in diffin lads, like once you have done your 8th ring your gonna start gettin dizzy like! this is when the men are sorted from the boys:rolleyes:

16-05-10, 23:20
I wish I was able to do rings like a king.

16-05-10, 23:30
i want to how the fuck do they judge diffing compitions??? what skill is there to judge on like turn the wheel and rev the car it will slide how can it be judged like??? now im seiouse here i want some one to tell my a few key points that the score or loose points on???????????

Fredericks Balls
17-05-10, 06:44
serious amount of skill involved in diffin lads, like once you have done your 8th ring your gonna start gettin dizzy like! this is when the men are sorted from the Aiden Hogans:rolleyes:

Edited for truth :p

17-05-10, 09:17
@gem im guessin who ever looks best doin it wins but its still has no skill involved an once again is crap!!!

@keiran lol:D

17-05-10, 09:21
well lads somtimes there can be some skill in diffn,, ive seen lads diffn around a red bull can tounchin it wid the front wheel continusly and not knocking it over

17-05-10, 18:31
these threads are always much fun to read same lads come on an flame the differs and talk about how shity "diffin" is when yet they themselves cant navigate themselves around a figure of 8 and the like... and what pisses me off the most is they have in the past put up pics and vids of themselves "diffin" it makes no sence. im sure those who are starting off in there rwd life enjoy it and those who wanna let off a bit of steam, that said its not my cup of tea anymore and as said before there is no place for "diffin" on this site. thats my ten pence worth :o

Mick K
17-05-10, 18:33
Edited for truth :p

Your my boy Blue:D

17-05-10, 21:33
serious amount of skill involved in diffin lads, like once you have done your 8th ring your gonna start gettin dizzy like! this is when the men are sorted from the boys:rolleyes:

ahahahahaha :D i feel ya

well i can tell ye that diffing is the beginning. the 1st stage. BUT there is a difference between a beginner diffing to actually get the jist of it all or someone that has been diffing since 1965... :D
i still think its a grand way to let out frustration and aggression from time to time, or if your overstocked on tyres lol. i dont condemn it as such. :rolleyes: gonna give the evo a try soon ha :D

17-05-10, 21:44
these threads are always much fun to read same lads come on an flame the differs and talk about how shity "diffin" is when yet they themselves cant navigate themselves around a figure of 8 and the like... and what pisses me off the most is they have in the past put up pics and vids of themselves "diffin" it makes no sence. im sure those who are starting off in there rwd life enjoy it and those who wanna let off a bit of steam, that said its not my cup of tea anymore and as said before there is no place for "diffin" on this site. thats my ten pence worth :ou

any names you would like to share:P:P

17-05-10, 21:51

any names you would like to share:P:P

yea you in wez's yard in a white 14 :p:p:p:p

ciaran r
17-05-10, 21:55
hahahaha ye really hate diffin hahaha,

i know none of ye aint into it anymore but the yard is big enuf for a small bit of proper sideways,and for a fiver ya cant go wrong,and all the money raised is going towards a new slab down there bigger than tullow or so im told,

anyway keep the banter coming,haha,also for people with no intrest in a diff day,over 500 views hahaha

17-05-10, 21:56
yea you in wez's yard in a white 14 :p:p:p:p

at least i only to bring petrol,an not a 5gallon drum of 10/40 for that ford:p:p:p;):D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D:D:D

Mick K
17-05-10, 21:56
Do I need to link videos of our differs/drifters?:D

17-05-10, 21:57
uhhhhh jeasus dat was looooowwwwww:eek:

ciaran r
17-05-10, 21:58
at least i only to bring petrol,an not a 5gallon drum of 10/40 for that ford:p:p:p;):D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D:D:D

haha low one

17-05-10, 21:58
Do I need to link videos of our differs/drifters?:D

dooooo iiiiittttttt :D

17-05-10, 22:05
Gwan the Mick fella. :D Diffing videos on DI for one night only. :p

17-05-10, 22:15
do you no what pisses me off the most about differs !!!!!! the fucking word SLAB!!! why not just say track or yard!!

17-05-10, 22:18
do you no what pisses me off the most about differs !!!!!! the fucking word SLAB!!! why not just say track or yard!!

It's shlab Gem!

Yis headin down to Ahern's Shlab this weekend for a scut laad?

17-05-10, 22:19
at least i only to bring petrol,an not a 5gallon drum of 10/40 for that ford:p:p:p;):D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D:D:D

Winner :D
Ah i love it really Bart :)

17-05-10, 22:20
do you no what pisses me off the most about differs !!!!!! the fucking word SLAB!!! why not just say track or yard!!

Actually, what the feck is that all about? Is slab cooler or something?

17-05-10, 22:20
I fancy sum diffin :)

Mick K
17-05-10, 22:24
Drift Ire diff day?

ciaran r
17-05-10, 22:29
do you no what pisses me off the most about differs !!!!!! the fucking word SLAB!!! why not just say track or yard!!

its usualy called a slab as that is what it is

slab is a broad, flat, somewhat thick piece of stone, wood, or other solid material.

wereas a yard is an enclosed area outdoors, often paved and surrounded by or adjacent to a building also know as a court.

and sure ya know what a track is,and ya usually go driftin not diffin on a track,

hope that clears is up for you :D:D:D:D hahaha

17-05-10, 22:35
its usualy called a slab as that is what it is

slab is a broad, flat, somewhat thick piece of stone, wood, or other solid material.

wereas a yard is an enclosed area outdoors, often paved and surrounded by or adjacent to a building also know as a court.

and sure ya know what a track is,and ya usually go driftin not diffin on a track,

hope that clears is up for you :D:D:D:D hahaha

we have a funny man, retard!!! you are very good at this spelling and writeing stuff pitty you cant read driftireland.com! not diffireland.com/retardcentral/bapbaplad

ciaran r
17-05-10, 22:40
sorry,have i pissed you off lad,haha,taught it was all about a bit of banter here,sure if ya cant take it lad. . .

we all have to start some were,a bit of diffin move on to drifting,and like iv said already,the yard/slab/track is big enough for drifting. . . .

17-05-10, 22:41
PMS much gem? :p

18-05-10, 09:50
there is a video of me goin WAAAAAAAAAAAAAP around in circles! imo having a diffing event is just epicly poo, its on a completely differant scale to doing a 3 point turn with a bit of a heavy foot!

18-05-10, 10:04
its funny how offended lads get over diffin on here lol

grow up will yas and just ignore it

18-05-10, 13:51
Do I need to link videos of our differs/drifters?:D

dooooooooooo it haha:D:D

mike g
18-05-10, 13:55
i rememebr this place, last summer me and one of the lads were bought down there in design a drift track for it, looks like they found a better use for it :) lol

18-05-10, 16:20
i coudnt give a shit, about it, but id still like to know why its called diffing?? is it just a broader word for doughnuts so it includes burnouts and stolen cars or what?

ciaran r
18-05-10, 17:11
i coudnt give a shit, about it, but id still like to know why its called diffing?? is it just a broader word for doughnuts so it includes burnouts and stolen cars or what?

haha i love this thread,

its just a word lad,sounds better than doughnuts and makes it sound skill full haha just my 1.50 worth,
oh and it dont include stolen cars,thats known as scutting hahahaha

18-05-10, 17:15
haha marvelous!

ciaran r
18-05-10, 17:16
haha marvelous!

marvelous,thats even a better word used to describe the art of diffing :p

18-05-10, 18:55
haha i love this thread,

its just a word lad,sounds better than doughnuts and makes it sound skill full haha just my 1.50 worth,
oh and it dont include stolen cars,thats known as scutting hahahaha

haha makes it sound skill full me hole

19-05-10, 23:36
i think this sums up everything perfectly about diffing(stolen off teckno!)


cant stop laughing when i see this picture!

20-05-10, 00:35
i think this sums up everything perfectly about diffing(stolen off teckno!)


cant stop laughing when i see this picture!

exactly a bunch of retards!!! doing dounuts in a carpark or on the slab lad!!! this shite shud be kept off this site it is driftireland! i do not in anyway want to be associatd with that kind of crap!

Tekno Twinky
20-05-10, 00:44
upsets me to even read the thread title.

Tekno Twinky
20-05-10, 01:03
aw i went and did it.. i looked into it.. i looked at the video, well,, the 1st half until i literally couldnt watch anymore!!!

Read this and get this..

Im going to use the video as a prime example and it covers any of these "diffin heads"

why is it made out to be so fantastic and amazing? the dramatic video says it all the catastrophic taste that it took to produce such trash! and not just the video..its everything including the hicks that turn up to these meetings!

there the type that lash silly fake brand stickers on there cars ,thrive on cool number plates and have no clue nor plans to get a clue about the inner workings of there engine and to take care of it in the best ways possible

Its like a tasteless tacky song that makes you cringe..?

its Irish so called "car entusiasts"

the video is worse though because its promoting it!? as if its "cool" or somthing?

Im not putting down the idea of having "craic" in the rwd car..

im all for that if thats what an individual is into but you people go about it the wrong way completely!

I dont think you can learn though? its like a sickness or a lack of taste/eductaion etc.. id give up if i were any of you tbh

then again if it makes you happy? why not.. im just letting you know what everybody in the more informed boat is thinking;)

read sig below for my defense:)

Mick K
20-05-10, 01:07
I heart Tecknos replys to diffin threads:D

20-05-10, 09:02
diffin, meh.

would appreciate if those kinda threads would be removed. ;x

20-05-10, 09:37
well said tekno

Mick K
20-05-10, 09:39
diffin, meh.

would appreciate if those kinda threads would be removed. ;x

Dont make me post vids of your diffin efforts up the mountains:rolleyes::D

20-05-10, 09:47
Dont make me post vids of your diffin efforts up the mountains:rolleyes::D

oh i've done more than you think!

but the lads organizing days for it... :rolleyes:

20-05-10, 10:06
Dont make me post vids of your diffin efforts up the mountains:rolleyes::D

mick you are getting a lil grumpy over this im starting to think you have something to do with the art:rolleyes: of arganised diffing???

if wee all take a sec and go to the top of this page ^^^^^^^ up there first we see a big banner with driftireland.com then look a little lower on the left see the quick tags

driftireland.com > Chat > Drifting Chat > diff day

it has no place in this section or on this site!!! i do not see a section for it and never want to

Mick K
20-05-10, 10:10
mick you are getting a lil grumpy over this im starting to think you have something to do with the art:rolleyes: of arganised diffing???

if wee all take a sec and go to the top of this page ^^^^^^^ up there first we see a big banner with driftireland.com then look a little lower on the left see the quick tags

driftireland.com > Chat > Drifting Chat > diff day

it has no place in this section or on this site!!! i do not see a section for it and never want to

Arganised? Is that the way it comes out in a wicklow accent gem??:rolleyes:
No Sir I dont,But I also dont like the pot,kettle/black attitude on here.
I do also agree it shouldnt be hosted here.
And lastly,Grumpy? Me?You dont know me very well gem:D

20-05-10, 10:28
We done now? The monthly differ bashing appears to be drawing to a close

20-05-10, 10:44
Ah fuck it
