View Full Version : How much work needed?

17-06-09, 15:57
As above, can anybody tell me how much work would be needed to arches on standard mark iv supra in order to make these fit? Considering buying them but just want to make sure its not to much work? Any help greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!



Fredericks Balls
17-06-09, 18:29
I cant help you unfortunately but if you have the $$ they are a bargain! I'd love the skinnier pair (18x10) but can't afford just now :(

I'd imagine youd need arch work for sure, rolling/flaring, but i'd say you might get away without overfenders??

17-06-09, 22:47
a fuck load! i reckon youd need over fenders to be honest. but buy them, there frickin cheap!

17-06-09, 22:59
ALOOOOOOOOOOOT of work would be needed.
would be hella bad ass tho.
makes me think of a project going on in the uk at the mo

18-06-09, 10:32
Thanks for help fellas. I have given an offer on them jus waiting on him to get back to me. Fuck it if its to much work to fit them to supra then I will just sell em on! Cant see it bein to hard to sell them!

18-06-09, 11:22
-29 offset! It'll look like an open wheel supra!:D

23-06-09, 11:53
Bit of an update on this lads! I have been looking in to the whole wheel fitment thing in last few days and I am starting to chicken away from these wheels. The thing is I think the bodywork on my supra is too mint to start flaring and rolling etc? What are peoples views? Is there anybody in particular that does arch rolling and wheel fitment on the side as a business? If I decide not to go for these wheels and anybody is interested they can pm me because I have agreed a very good price on these delivered to my door and it would be a shame to see them go somewhere else! Would greatly appreciate some advice on this Topic.


23-06-09, 15:52
Help needed A.S.A.P!! Anybody interested in theses wheels?

23-06-09, 17:29
I have a set of 18 X 11J et+12 that fitted on a TRD Supra, but I think they have wider than normal arches.

So by that regard you`d need to flare a TRD Supras arches by 2", so a normal Supra would need around 3" of a flare at least.

Dont be a pussy about it. Flare the arches and fit the wheels= proper badass:)

23-06-09, 21:14
buy now, think later.

24-06-09, 09:31
Is there any1 in Ireland that does work on arches to fit larger wheels?

24-06-09, 10:45
driftkits.eu do arch work, they had a stand at heatwave. think it was something like €100 a corner