View Full Version : Hello DriftIre!

11-01-10, 01:41
Alrite guys, just found this site the other day...good site for all the people on the island! Im from up north by Newry, Banbridge. Drive a wee s14a, spent months finding the right one and its the best car i've owned insurance is a bitch but worth every penny! Don't have many pics, but have a few from the other month...currently sitting on my winter wheels atm (standard 16s in graphite grey) but heres her in the normal rimage!


Next photo's bigger so here's a link http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d141/ashtonio/5.jpg

Also...incase any1 may no where I could get one, on the look for another black bonnet or carbon!
Cheers :)

11-01-10, 01:48
nice lookin bus mate, welcome along

One of the site traders on here should be able to sort ya out ;)

andy t
11-01-10, 02:12
welcome along

looks like a clean 14a

11-01-10, 02:26
welcome along. nice 14a there mate :)

11-01-10, 03:01
welcome and happy posting.

11-01-10, 08:45
Welcome along

11-01-10, 10:42
Nice car mate, welcome

11-01-10, 11:08
Welcome along man!

drift student
11-01-10, 11:29
welcome fella.

11-01-10, 11:52
How she goin! Welcome :cool:

11-01-10, 19:56
welcome along mate

nice bus :)

11-01-10, 19:59
nice car man...welcome along....

11-01-10, 20:05
Nice 14 man , Happy posting ! :)

serious tom
11-01-10, 21:51
hiya, thank f*ck someone from remotly around my direction has joined!
from the point. :cool:
welcome along!

your 14 looks very nice. be careful with it ;)

local 14's...
ive seen a blue s14a with a horshams developments sticker on it from b'bridge, on 'R' plates!
a damson 14(kouki i think) on the road down into b'bridge.
a black 14 'P' reg in newry
a white 14 rolling on gold dish (only seen it once,)
and there is not a bone stock touring spec red 14a floting about a lot around newry/the point.
and there was a white 14 running 15/16'' bbs rims ages ago but its long gone.
and there used to be a dam sweet 14a silvia black. but its long gone too.

know any of them?
the dream is too addictive.

and im not even on the roads :D

12-01-10, 18:01
cheers lads, just got a non touring front bumper there that has no headlight washers on it so im fitting that tonight, looks slick.

@seriouslove i used to knock about the town alot in my modified hot hatch days but im not really fussed with that now, id be about the carpark the odd time. I know the damson s14a on the newry road you speak of its my mates jonnys...on r33 gtr rims aye? The white one afaik is from lurgan, some hairdressers but I don't know about the rest!

@insejn think its your 200 ive been watchin a few videos off, nice mint motor...think i need to get coilovers in the spring to pull of the best stance on my Ultralite rims.

Any cheap bonnets on the go? :rolleyes:

12-01-10, 20:07
Welcome along. Nice cad man!

serious tom
13-01-10, 16:02
newry is pretty wow-ful for decent cars :/

13-01-10, 21:56
clean 14 mate, enjoy the site!