View Full Version : front camber

30-06-11, 18:18
wat ideally is the amount of front camber to use for drifting i fitted the modified hubs etcarms etc today and refitted the coilovers and to use the wheels i want to i needed to run about 5 to 6 degrees camber would this be ok or to much
ideally wanting to here from people that have experience of having this much camber and knowing wat the car drove like on track felt like etc

30-06-11, 18:47
yes thats too much. 3.5 to 4 is ideal

30-06-11, 18:49
just roll or flare your arches so ur wheels will fit with bout 3 degrees?

Robbie Daly Ps13
30-06-11, 18:55
Lad its pointless putting up a thread like this because each it to there own....! Some like 3 degrees others like 6.....!

Just a matter of playing around with it and seeing which works best 4 you...!

S14a johno
30-06-11, 19:02
Lad its pointless putting up a thread like this because each it to there own....! Some like 3 degrees others like 6.....!

Just a matter of playing around with it and seeing which works best 4 you...!

x2 bring it down on sunday for the m1 and we can try set it up
then out for a hour see how it goes, change it again out for another hour :cool:

30-06-11, 21:56
lad up to you at the end of the day.most use 3 to 4 as chris said but i have heard lads in pro drift use 8.5 :shocked: all comes down to driver.i use about 3.5 and really like it.robbie is spot on.each to there own

30-06-11, 22:11
What is the benefits of having less or more camber on the front? How does it affect steering response, feedback, lock etc?

30-06-11, 22:15
Lad its pointless putting up a thread like this because each it to there own....! Some like 3 degrees others like 6.....!

Just a matter of playing around with it and seeing which works best 4 you...!
may see wat works first then

x2 bring it down on sunday for the m1 and we can try set it up
then out for a hour see how it goes, change it again out for another hour :cool:
it,ll be set up before the m1

lad up to you at the end of the day.most use 3 to 4 as chris said but i have heard lads in pro drift use 8.5 :shocked: all comes down to driver.i use about 3.5 and really like it.robbie is spot on.each to there owncool ill call up to u over the weekend and chat wit u yours is near enough the same sut up as mine

30-06-11, 22:16
just roll or flare your arches so ur wheels will fit with bout 3 degrees?

ive wide arches on already and stretched tyres:wink:

Famous jh
30-06-11, 22:22
ive wide arches on already and stretched tyres:wink:

Goin by the pics in your build thread you could afford to goin down at LEAST one more tyre size lad!

As for the wings, cut the fuckers if you have too! Set up should never be determined by fitment! Dont get that at all myself....An as for how much camber to run, i doubt 99% of people would notice a difference in settings..

30-06-11, 22:32
What is the benefits of having less or more camber on the front? How does it affect steering response, feedback, lock etc?


01-07-11, 09:53
its all down to contact patch of the tyre when on lock.

the more camber you run the more angle you will be on when the max contact patch is being used.

the wheels when on lock tend to want to be on max contact patch. ie if you are running modded hubs etc for crazy lock and run stupid amounts of camber the car will naturally want to go to full lock and not many people have the ability to drive a car on full lock all of the time, you want it set so its about 3/4 of the angle which for me is 4 degrees

01-07-11, 09:57
its all down to contact patch of the tyre when on lock.

the more camber you run the more angle you will be on when the max contact patch is being used.

the wheels when on lock tend to want to be on max contact patch. ie if you are running modded hubs etc for crazy lock and run stupid amounts of camber the car will naturally want to go to full lock and not many people have the ability to drive a car on full lock all of the time, you want it set so its about 3/4 of the angle which for me is 4 degrees

So basically the more camber you run on the front the quicker the feedback of the steering alowing for faster transitions?!

What exactly do you mean by 3/4 of the angle?

01-07-11, 10:12
no the more caster you run the quicker the feedback, but you can also have too much ase well

3/4 angle/lock simply that - from when the wheels are pointing straight to full lock in one direction count that as 100%. now if you turn your wheels to they are at 75% then you still have 25% of the lock left. (this is harder to explain than i thought lol)

the camber of the front wheels is all about the contact patch the tyre has with the road when the car is on angle or lock. if you run a crazy amount of camber so that the wheels are on full lock (100%) when the tyre is getting max contact with the road then the steering tends to go to that position

so if you run less camber so that at 75% of you achievable angle/lock the tyres contact patch is at its max the steeing will be smooth when at this angle (which is were you need to be to maximise speed threw corners etc, because crazy angles = slower forward speeds)

is not an issue having lots of camber it will just mean you will have to hold the steering at 75%angle/ lock instead of it naturally staying there itself

rather hard to explain but i hope ive got it accross in some way lol

01-07-11, 10:31
no the more caster you run the quicker the feedback, but you can also have too much ase well

3/4 angle/lock simply that - from when the wheels are pointing straight to full lock in one direction count that as 100%. now if you turn your wheels to they are at 75% then you still have 25% of the lock left. (this is harder to explain than i thought lol)

the camber of the front wheels is all about the contact patch the tyre has with the road when the car is on angle or lock. if you run a crazy amount of camber so that the wheels are on full lock (100%) when the tyre is getting max contact with the road then the steering tends to go to that position

so if you run less camber so that at 75% of you achievable angle/lock the tyres contact patch is at its max the steeing will be smooth when at this angle (which is were you need to be to maximise speed threw corners etc, because crazy angles = slower forward speeds)

is not an issue having lots of camber it will just mean you will have to hold the steering at 75%angle/ lock instead of it naturally staying there itself

rather hard to explain but i hope ive got it accross in some way lol

Yes I understand now, you want max contact patch/grip at 75% of lock so that you can get the balance right between your angle and your speed through the corners because more angle = less speed, and also the car naturally staying at say, 75% with less camber, rather than trying to hold the steering in that position with more camber. Thanks dude!

01-07-11, 11:03
i am running 6 but i know some one who is running 8.5 and doing well on it to

28-08-11, 05:13
right to get back to this topic and to bump it with a quick and rough set up heres is the camber im running to fit under the front arches
with this set up by eye and roughly from lock to lock and hitting the anti roll bars and tension rods on each side ive to full turns of the steering wheel lock to lock at this ive also moved the tension rods in more and the anto roll bars modified front anti roll bars etc
so far this set up has being tried and tested on a s14 and ps13 and is working good from feed back i am hearing with the only complaint so far is the wheels locking when it hits the anto roll bar and tension rod which is supposly not much so maybe bump stops would cure this
few more pics of mine atm not fully set up
