View Full Version : Hi All Newbie Here!!

20-09-09, 21:41
well guys
some might know me from a few websites, was drivin a rx7 up to a few weeks ago till a lovely motorist pulled out infront of me an wrote it off currently in negotiation with a toyota mark 2 in japan as a replacement and then lookin to buy a cheap rwd to start driftin in, good website ill prob see yee at a few practise days!!

20-09-09, 22:03
Welcome along man, seen the thread on ur rex bad buzz:( u get sorted?

20-09-09, 22:17
Welcome welcome happy posting shame bout the rx

20-09-09, 23:04
Welcome along man! That's a sickener about the RX alright but sure as they say onwards and upwards and maybe a little bit sideways! Enjoy your stay

21-09-09, 12:17
wecome along man!! god dam bikers haha!!:D:D

21-09-09, 12:36
well guys
some might know me from a few websites, was drivin a rx7 up to a few weeks ago till a lovely motorist pulled out infront of me an wrote it off currently in negotiation with a toyota mark 2 in japan as a replacement and then lookin to buy a cheap rwd to start driftin in, good website ill prob see yee at a few practise days!!

welcome to the site lad heard bout the rex but the mark 2 looks sweet..:D

21-09-09, 12:44
Im very confused??? Aint u been on here for ages??

21-09-09, 18:47
welcome lad

23-09-09, 03:00
thanks for the welcomes lads, ya its a cunt alright loved that car was very rapid,just waitin on the check from Mr quinn direct now and hand it straight over to japan and get my mark 2 on the ship asap.

@chuck g : no mate was never on here b4 im a rep on adc and a member on mnc if thats where u recognize the name from?!

23-09-09, 09:39
Ah Mr Simo. Welcome to DI. :D

23-09-09, 10:13
@chuck g : no mate was never on here b4 im a rep on adc and a member on mnc if thats where u recognize the name from?!

Ah i see........its the other Smo i was thinking of dude!!

Welcome and happy posting :):)

23-09-09, 11:33
Welcome along and very sorry to hear about your RX7.

Good luck with your hunt for a new motor.

Fredericks Balls
26-09-09, 18:26
Pics of the Mark II please!!

26-09-09, 19:22
sad news on the rx.....move on to bigger and better:D welcome along

28-09-09, 00:24
welcome to drift ireland mann:)