View Full Version : s13 subframe and sideskirts

alan opel
11-04-11, 20:01
well lads bought an s13 subframe to put in skyline, but i got a lockout bar instead and my hicas balljoints had no play, so i wana move it on again, comes with stock toe arms for anyone who wants to convert there skyline, 80 euro

have a set of s13 skirts there still, 70 euro !
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/31673_1391659224630_1026612936_31001849_8036326_n. jpg

alan opel
13-04-11, 21:47
bump also have random ca18 parts, full engine, head, spare turbo, good crank:)

13-04-11, 21:55
well lad will you be anywhere half near wexford id be interested in the skirts:)

alan opel
29-04-11, 11:46
bump! need money for other shit i dont need!:)

jeff nelson sileighty
29-04-11, 16:30
what make are the skirts?

29-04-11, 16:40
I might be going to wexford next week and could bring the skirts

alan opel
29-04-11, 17:51
there bomex i think

29-04-11, 22:04
hey man where you at in ireland?

alan opel
30-04-11, 18:10
im in galway man!

alan opel
13-06-11, 12:31

29-06-11, 11:14
Do u still have the subframe?

29-06-11, 12:20
Do u still have the subframe?

i beleive he does!

alan opel
29-06-11, 17:51
as my lovely assistant sed, yes i do!