View Full Version : Aussie with Irish Passport, living in Canada, but probably moving to Dublin this year

09-09-09, 19:29
Whew.....so yeah.....as the title says, Im an Aussie with Irish citizenship (thanks grandpa), currently living in Vancouver, Canada, but have been offered a position with my company in Dublin!

I am hoping to stay into the drifting scene if I do have to come over, so i wanted to get involved and make some inquiries into cars, costs etc.

Any help would be appreciated lads/lasses.


Ryan 'spud' Murphy

serious tom
09-09-09, 19:37
hiya great intro :cool:
here will be a good spot for all the info you need,

S14a johno
09-09-09, 19:46
great into x2
and what you after ted?
and DI is your new home :D

09-09-09, 20:06
I used to own a 240sx with a blacktop SR20 (roadcar), and recently sold that and bought a JDM Aristo.

I am leaving the Aristo here for when i come back for vacations in the underground parking of my apartment.

I was thinking I would need something with a small capacity engine so that I am not severely raped on insurance and tax etc, seeing I have never held insurance in Ireland before.

So, i was thinking of looking for an AE86 sprinter or Trueno.

Ideally, I would really like a JZX100 chaser or a MarkII, but I am thinking they will cost me too much in insurance etc.

A S13 or S14 Silvia would also be sweet.

Any suggestions?

S14a johno
09-09-09, 20:08
well i have s14a and payn 1200 year with mods delacred
it 97, what you buget?

09-09-09, 20:10
Some pics of my old S13:

Some Pics:








My Aristo:



09-09-09, 20:13
well i have s14a and payn 1200 year with mods delacred
it 97, what you buget?

I was hoping to get into something for around 4k ish if it was an AE86, more for something better. Nothing crazy, just something I can slide around the track, and the streets ;) Also use it to pick up the groceries at the local Tescos.

09-09-09, 20:33
welcome along man

ae86,s over here are a lil bit more expensive then 4k but ya wouldn have to stretch your budget by much to get a decent 1:D

S14a johno
09-09-09, 20:41
saavge car, and agree with dave lad, twincams are expasive for clean one
you be looking at twice you buget, do inst there a 180sx in blue for sale for 5 grand? it in the for sale section i tink ;)

hey dave buy any chance your car have a chasser engine, seen one at japfest though was you :D

09-09-09, 20:46
saavge car, and agree with dave lad, twincams are expasive for clean one
you be looking at twice you buget, do inst there a 180sx in blue for sale for 5 grand? it in the for sale section i tink ;)

hey dave buy any chance your car have a chasser engine, seen one at japfest though was you :D

no man unfortanatly not.. i no the car there very similer except his is wider:eek::D

09-09-09, 20:49
Welcome along man! Cool motors there! Aristo needs a crack of the lowering stick though! :) When might the move to Dublin be on the cards?

09-09-09, 20:54
HOOOOOOW ye:cool:

09-09-09, 20:59
howdy an welcome :)

09-09-09, 21:20
haha, yeah, no doubt!

I decided not to spend the coin on coilovers when i am more than likely having to leave the country within the next few months.....might just chop the springs this week for laughs, dunno yet.

There was initial talk of a November start in Dublin, but that is fast approaching with no real details so far, so im not 100% sure. If I am coming, it will be by the new year for sure.

My parents went to look for any possible family left in Ireland on a trip they did earlier this year, so I will have to head to Cashel to pick up where they left off.....is there a good track near there at least to break up the trip ;)

09-09-09, 21:33

il not have it be said that im a fussy cunt so il smash every one of them please:D

welcome along mna. with a 4k budget you will pick up a high spec 13 maybe even a s14 for that money.

09-09-09, 21:38

Yeah, i had to yell at the brunette skank in the back left to not put so much lean on that side of my bonnet......twisting it like it was the asian girls nipple ;)

09-09-09, 22:21
welcome along man! nice life story so far ha! but yeh, ae86 are rape prices here still, even in the recesseeessioooooooooooon

09-09-09, 22:30
They still have the InitialD tax in them eh?

Is the insurance on 4door turbos like chasers cheaper than on like an s13 or s14? Or is it purely based on engine capacity?

09-09-09, 23:19
lovely lookin 240 you got there man, welcome along I'm a Kiwi myself :cool:

10-09-09, 05:07
fucking nice one mate.....am looking forwards to sliding it round on that side of the atlantic

10-09-09, 08:25
welcome along man....nice 240 an aristo but like darragh said it needs a crack of the lowerin stick:D

10-09-09, 09:17
welcome along.. you will get some shock at the price of ae86's here.. although they have become alot cheaper due to this ole recession!

10-09-09, 11:42
yeeeeeeeeeeha cool intro hahah

love Vancouver, tis a cool city!!! enjoy your stay!!!

10-09-09, 12:05
If ya have any pics or videos of trackdays or anything happening on your side of the pond put them together in a thread for us, always good to see how the scene is in different countries

10-09-09, 16:29
Sure thing.....I have taken some sweet photos actually....one of my hobbies. ;)

I just shot a bunch of sweet video too, but have not edited it as of yet. I will post some links in another thread in the media section.