View Full Version : subframe swap??

12-10-10, 19:35
i was thinking about doing a 5 stud conversion on my 180 but while i was at it i was going to do a proper job and get the whole subframe off a skyline...if i do get it would i need to get all new adjustable arms and stuff or will my old ones do??is there much work to do with the conversion or is it pretty much straight forward??any info would be apreciated:)

12-10-10, 19:56
I dont see the advantage of a skyline subframe "you'd have to get a hicas lockout kit as well".
The rear adjustable arms are compatible with all the S+R body subframes.
Is you're current subframe polly or solid bushed ?

12-10-10, 20:01
I dont see the advantage of a skyline subframe "you'd have to get a hicas lockout kit as well".
The rear adjustable arms are compatible with all the S+R body subframes.
Is you're current subframe polly or solid bushed ?
well it was just an idea as i am going gettin skyline hubs anyway yano?
well it has the locking collars alright but i have it out now so ill be burning them out and making it completly solid which ever one i go with.other than that its standard except for camber and toe arms.
well at least if i did go skyline subframe then i wouldnt have to go buying all new arms so tht wouldnt be too bad but getting that hicas lockout kit would be a balls

12-10-10, 20:23
Well if you do go with a skyline subframe.
The r32 is a direct swap onto a s13 where as the r33 subframe requires off-centre alloy bushes or a tight fit with polly bushes to fit.
Also the r32+s13 have 4bolts on the diff back plate, where the r33+s14 have 2bolts.

12-10-10, 20:28
ah right well it sounds like a lot of work so for something that wont make a whole pile of difference...i doubt ill bother so...will probably just go with the skyline hubs and brakes and leave it at that
thanks very much for the advice anyway lad much appreciated:)

Robbie Daly Ps13
12-10-10, 21:39
Lad skyline subframe into a s13 would be pointless...! If your changing go for a s14 or 15 supframe....! Firstly wider track with and you will have a lot more grip without getting all tecnical on yor ass...!

You will need to get offset SoLiD bushens made up as the wholes are a little bit off center compared to a s14....!

13-10-10, 13:09
Lad skyline subframe into a s13 would be pointless...! If your changing go for a s14 or 15 supframe....! Firstly wider track with and you will have a lot more grip without getting all tecnical on yor ass...!

You will need to get offset SoLiD bushens made up as the wholes are a little bit off center compared to a s14....!

Plus you could keep your adjustable arms from the s13, i'm pretty sure.

Robbie Daly Ps13
13-10-10, 13:18
Yea your right ya can still keep all your 13 arms...!

13-10-10, 13:30
ive got a s14 subframe and offset solid bushes to mount onto a s13 here if you need either bits.

you gain about 10mm track iirc

13-10-10, 13:45
Bart has a 5 stud conversion for sale there from a s14 silvia ;)

13-10-10, 17:23
thanks for the imput lad...i doubt ill even go swapping subframes tbh it sounds like a lot of work and not a whole pile of advantage??

Bart has a 5 stud conversion for sale there from a s14 silvia ;)
ya that wouldnt be a bad idea lad...id prefer to go for a big brake conversion off a GTR or something like that while im changing...might aswell do it all at once??s14 brakes aint that big on the back like?